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Realizing True Importance. The image is of a wire heart standing in some sand.

Realizing True Importance


I am going to admit something that may not be expected of a Marriage Officiant.


I never wanted to get married! And I definitely did not want a ring.


At the time, I felt whether I chose to spend a lifetime with a person, shouldn't depend on a piece of paper. To be honest, I was never good at the settling down part when it came to relationships. I would always find excuses to fly.


Until a pivotal event in my life changed that and I made a decision to hold tight and see where my latest relationship would take me. It took me home. That's where it took me. It took me into my heart.


There were old belief systems and ego structures that I willingly released to the wind! And I found a love worth sticking around for. It would be 9 years until I proposed to him.


But what was it about the ring I was so against? The symbol of it didn't deter me. Most likely, it was more the expense of something I could easily lose. (Jewelry has a way of leaving me often.)


Then that magic A-Ha! kind of moment happened and I realized I didn't have to follow society's "rules".


So I proposed and chose not to do so with a ring but with a scrapbook of our life together. My man had but one piece of jewelry and he didn't even wear that! For sure, I considered buying an inexpensive ring but mostly for the cute factor.


I proposed knowing I did not need nor require a grand gesture of diamonds or something equivalent that I would likely lose anyway.


So, upon accepting my proposal... he said 2 things...


"I was going to ask you to marry me on our 10-year dating anniversary!" The scope of which is beyond sweet considering I always told him not to ask and now we found ourselves exactly where we always are... on the same page!


Okay and now for his second reply..."Where's my ring?"


Yep, my future husband, jokingly asked me where his ring is.


In the end, we both shopped and bought our own rings. (Yes, I bought mine and he bought his own!) Together the cost was below a 100 bucks.


We had a unique moment AFTER the ceremony when we were alone and placed the rings on the other. It was very sweet and we both loved both our rings.


It only took us about 2 years to lose both rings! We have no idea where and have stopped searching!

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